
Rationale of Adopt-A-Barangay Strategy

Isla Nga Maanyag Management Program
(The IGaCoS Development Model: Becoming An Urban Center in a Garden Setting)

Adopt-A-Barangay Strategy

I. Rationale

Adopt-a-Barangay is one of the strategies in the implementation of the “Isla nga Maanyag Management Program” or “IMMP” which is geared towards attaining collaboration among government entities and development stakeholders at community levels that include Barangay Officials, storeowners and business operators, schools administrators and their constituencies and religious sectors to mention among them. Such collaboration is aimed at establishing convergence, a must considering that given the economic difficulties that besiege the people at present, it is just but necessary for sectoral efforts to complement each other thereby prudently utilizing scarce resources so that the outcome upon which these are being used will benefit the greatest number of the stakeholders.

In effect, one area of concern of the Program is building responsible and accountable “stakeholdership” in an urban environment. Precisely, this is to prepare the different stakeholders to embrace and manage the process of urbanization which is inevitable as far as the evolution of development is concerned. Relative hereof, while some sectors can already articulate the essence of being citizens who are able to manage their environment, yet a great number of people at community levels can not still appreciate such significance in their day-to-day lives.

Further, based on experience, people are willing to take part in community development within their capability if they see entities in the government leading in such endeavor. With this in mind, it makes sense for the different offices in the City Government to be at the forefront in this undertaking.

This strategy, therefore is employed as an effort that will help hasten the realization of the Program goal of establishing a development model for the City making it truly a Garden in its environment with its dignified people taking pleasure of a scenic landscape within an atmosphere of good governance and with all the stakeholders ably participating in the process.

II. Collaborating Offices Responsibilities

Provide assistance in terms of the concerned stakeholders’ compliance to the criteria for judging related to the Search for Pinakamaanyag nga Barangay. The fact is that this competition is a “directed” activity which means that the participating Barangays are not left alone as to how they comply with the given criteria. On the contrary, they will be guided accordingly such that their efforts are ensured to be in line with what all the stakeholders want to attain for the City;

Act as counselor of Barangays they are collaborating with in so far as IMMP implementation is concerned and other related concerns as maybe deemed necessary;

Immerse themselves whenever possible with the constituents of concerned Barangays and take part in their development activities; and

Other activities as maybe considered necessary to promote a very workable collaboration process among them.

III. Concerned Barangays Complementary Role

Provide an avenue where the collaborating Office will have an opportunity to extend assistance relative to the herein cited undertakings; and

Help facilitate the compliance of the requirements set forth for the realization of the IMMP goal with the “Search for Pinakamaanyag nga Barangay” as one of the means.

IV. Process Documentation

The collaborating Offices shall document the processes that they went through or the valuable experiences that they encountered during their immersion with their adopted Barangays. With this, it is expected that these close encounters differ in perspective. However, such experiences in a particular Barangay may be found to be workable in another. Hence, the documentation process is designed in order to come up with an Adopt-A-Barangay Framework whihc is holistic in dimension that will guide the future development administrators in this City.


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